I have what some might call fear and loathing for the dead silence and stark loneliness that can only come with winter. Whenever I'm back home, it always coincides with the freezing wind that feels like a cutting knife against your skin, the icy slippery ground and the endless rain followed by the uninvited snow storm. Even thou this year the gray winter hasn't reared its ugly head yet, I still suffer the blues over it. So, to compensate for being stuck in this weather for a little while longer
(other than staring out the window and waiting for spring), I reminiscent over my travel pictures where the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing and the grass is green, to remind myself this winter will pass, if only with a bit more perseverance. Anyway, enough of my rant, here are some of my favorites moments this past year:
100 years old church @ Manitoulin Island - Wikwemikong
(The tour guide explained to us even though they are Catholic, they do not believe in Trinity, rather that Jesus as a prophet and God as one entity.)