Thursday, October 6, 2011

As a child I understood how to give, I have forgotten this grace since I have become "civilized"

As stated by Chief Luther Standing Bear, from South Dakota. Don't know when my fascination with Native culture and history began, but I vividly remember being curious about a nation/tribes within a nation and their painful history being told to us in grade 4. Fast forward few years later in high school and all I read in Canadian history and geography books was always so narrowed and gloomy. Like the history of black America/Canadians and many other minorities, we are often told the misery and pain of a proud people, but rarely do we learn a more holistic picture about their strength, achievements and rich contribution to their present countries. Its often been said, history belongs to the victorious, but I beg to disagree. History belongs to all of us, we own it and must seek to educate ourselves and preserve the many diverse and rich culture for present and future generation. And not just the sanitized PC tale of a massacre (in the case of millions disappeared Native tribes) and the struggle many to this day are apart of for their own economic and political freedom.

Last year, I was lucky enough to vacation in Manitoulin Island with few friends. The purpose of our trip was really to finally visit the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve, only one of its kind in North America. In particular, the Wikwemikong Pow Wow 50th Anniversary celebration, where many Indian tribes were represented from Oklahoma to Quebec. It was beautiful to see an actual reserve that was not just functioning successfully, but having their own autonomous economic and political structure, raising their families in these beautiful Islands. The reserve belongs to the Ojibwa, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples, under the Council of Three Fires. Here are some of the pictures my friend and I took during the celebration:

 "One does not sell the land upon which people walk." -Tashanka Witko

  "Respect means listening until everyone has been heard and understood, only then 
is there a possibility of "Balance and Harmony" the goal of Indian 
Spirituality." - Dave Chief, Grandfather of Red Dog

there were different style of movements for all age groups and everyone was welcomed to partake in it.

Where no one intrudes, many can live in harmony -Chief Dan George.

It does not require many words to speak the truthChief Joseph

"The American Indian is of the soil, whether it be the region of the forests, plains, pueblos, or mesas. He fits into the landscape, for the hand that fashioned the continent also fashioned the man for his surroundings. He once grew as naturally as the wild sunflowers, he belongs just as the buffalo belonged..." - Luther Standing Bear, Oglala 


Clara Turbay said...

I like what i see here. i have a very cool blog. Please come and check out mine.

Mrs. Pancakes said...

This is a great way to showcase the American Indian cultures on this Columbus Day!

Baby Budget Blog said...

An amazing group of people! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog a while back! Visit again soon!

Anonymous said...

such beauty, and thanks for your comment!

Unknown said...

thanks guys for your kind words, I enjoy your blogs as well.

Jerrica said...

Thank you for the comment. These images are so amazing and the quotes are inspiring and truthful.


Fashion Nostalgia

Anonymous said...

Hi, there, it's so nice to discover your blog! Native American culture is fascinating to me too so thanks for sharing this experience with us. Thanks also for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!

Zarna said...

such a beautiful culture!

Klaudia B. said...

wow, amazing photos !
Klaudia B.

.sabo skirt. said...

Nice post! These are lovely photos. The ethnic costumes were very colorful and attractive. The feather props were also amazing.

Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!

Monique said...

these are great quotes. so much wisdom in indigenous culture.

VT said...

wow love your blog! you are so pretty and your posts are amazing :)

became a follower now

follow me back?

Unknown said...

thanks guys, glad to see some of my favorite bloggers leaving sweet comments.

amy kelinda said...

I really love the quotes you included -- all too often we become lost in our "civilized" and modern world and forget the rich ancestry and history of the past, good and bad.

hippie_cyndi said...

what a beautiful profile of the Native culture. I really appreciate this post Huda, you took amazing pictures.

Unknown said...

thanks Amy and Cyndi.